• pregnancy week 17

    Pregnancy Week 17

    Pregnancy week 17- understand what is happening with you and your baby throughout your pregnancy. Sign up for the free weekly emails to compare...

  • Pregnancy Week 16

    Baby Is the size of a BOX TURTLE  Baby has fingernails and toenails by week 16 and is making sucking motions with their mouth. You Hopefully, now that you’re in pregnancy week 16 you don’t have any symptoms remaining from…

  • pregnancy week 15

    Pregnancy Week 15

    Pregnancy week 15- understand what is happening with you and your baby throughout your pregnancy. Sign up for the free weekly emails to compare...

  • pregnancy week 14

    Pregnancy Week 14

    Pregnancy week 14- understand what is happening with you and your baby throughout your pregnancy. Sign up for the free weekly emails to compare...

  • pregnancy week 12

    Pregnancy Week 12

    Pregnancy week 12- understand what is happening with your body and your baby throughout your pregnancy. Sign up for the free weekly emails to compare...

  • pregnancy week 13

    Pregnancy Week 13

    Pregnancy week 13- understand what is happening with you and your baby throughout your pregnancy. Sign up for the free weekly emails to compare...

  • pregnancy week 11

    Pregnancy Week 11

    Pregnancy week 11- understand what is happening with your body and your baby throughout your pregnancy. Sign up for the free weekly emails to compare...

  • pregnancy week 37

    Pregnancy Week 37

    Pregnancy week 37- understand what is happening with you and your baby throughout your pregnancy. Sign up for the free weekly emails to compare...

  • pregnancy week 10

    Pregnancy Week 10

    Pregnancy week 10- understand what is happening with you and your baby throughout your pregnancy. Sign up for the free weekly emails to compare...

  • pregnancy week 9

    Pregnancy Week 9

    Pregnancy week 9- understand what is happening with you and your baby throughout your pregnancy. Sign up for the free weekly emails to compare...