
Essential Oils For Congestion

Essential oils for congestion may seem like witchery if you’ve never used them before. But the relationship I have with my oil diffuser is unbreakable. These essential oils for congestion could possibly save your marriage as they may help with snoring too!

My diffuser is my go-to when I don’t feel well. We’ve been through years of headaches and allergies and now we’re raising a baby together!

I tried to take in a cat with attitude problems. Long story short, the cat chewed the cord to my oil diffuser and I cried.

Okay, more like sobbing. My world ended. The few hours I didn’t have my diffuser were awful.

Essential Oils For Congestion
Essential Oils For Congestion.
Essential Oils For Congestion #flueseason #congestion #congestionremedies

I was living with a 1-month-old in a trailer while we were building our forever home. I ended up having to sleep in the living room with my baby because trailers don’t have return vents. I started with essential oils after looking on Pinterest and haven’t stopped using them.

It’s recommended not to use essential oils in babies under 3 months old so, we weren’t able to start essential oils for congestion right away with R being so new. You can read how we made it through that first couple of weeks by reading How To Help Your Baby Breathe Better.

Now we’re in the new house and experiencing teething.

Teething. Is. The. Devil.

Seriously, my next post will be How To Survive Teething. Let’s get back to essential oils for congestion though…

How It Started

We have the runny nose, low-grade fever, drooling like a faucet- not a leaky faucet, like someone forgot to shut it off, faucet. Our eyes are watering, we keep coughing, we’re choking on drool and our runny nose, and he’s exhausted with it all.

He’s gotta be, because I know I am just trying to help him.

Through the Tylenol, chew toys, frozen toys, and everything else I tried my oil diffuser and my essential oils for congestion came in like a wrecking ball.

Essential Oils For Congestion
Essential Oils For Congestion

My Result of Essential Oils For Congestion:

Baby is out cold; sleeping like a baby and able to breathe.

Why Essential Oils:

Essential Oils are a powerful and effective ingredient in many non-toxic DIY recipes.

  • They’re versatile
  • Affordable and accessible
  • They work!

What we use:

Why these essential oils For congestion:

Eucalyptus– gentle, yet very therapeutic. Eases congestion, as it is a natural decongestant.

Peppermint– aids in digestion and is beneficial to the sinuses.

Frankincense– ease feelings of grief and to create feelings of peace and serenity. Sleep aid

Lemon– for it’s natural anti-fungal, disinfectant and cleansing properties

What kind to use:

There are so many different brands selling Essential Oils. I’ve used various brands such as Young Living, doTerra, as well as grocery store brands. The grocery store brands are diluted down and are not the real deal, even thought I like their prices.

Just recently, I started using Barefut oils and I have not seen a difference compared to doTerra and Young Living other than the price. They’re 100% Pure Essential Oils at affordable prices. Check it out for yourself with this comparison chart of favorite blends!

BarefūtYoung Living®dōTerra®
Aroma Siez / Relieve It
Raven / R.C.
Fresh Air™
Slim Down™
XSlim and Sassy®
On Guard®

None the less, through all the sicknesses we’ve tackled, we have NOT lost any sleep since firing up that oil diffuser. You wouldn’t believe how essential oils have benefited my family over the years. You can read more about our tips for staying healthy in How To Prevent From Getting Sick.

Other Essential Oils For Congestion:

Rosemary– Breaks up mucus and helps with inflammation.

Tea Tree Oil– Improves sinus congestion by fighting bacteria and viruses.

Oregano Oil– Fights bacteria.

Clary Sage– A natural antimicrobial agent that fights sinusitis or congestion from bacteria.

Lavender– Reduces pain and swelling.

Amazon also has essential oil starter kits with a lot of great essential oils in them. Plus low-cost diffusers for bedside tables. This is where I got started.

Essential Oils For Congestion
Essential Oils For Congestion

Also, check out these Barefut Essential Oils to get you started. They’re high quality and affordable, so you know you’re getting the real deal instead of something diluted on the Walmart shelf.

What are some oil blends you absolutely love? Or are you just getting started? Let’s talk about it!

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What’s Next:

Baby Congestion: Help Baby Breathe Easier

Hand Sanitizer Recipe

Flu Prevention Tips


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