Pregnancy,  Pregnancy Calendar

Pregnancy Week 1

pregnancy week 1

Pregnancy week 1 isn’t exciting, but I promise we’ll get there!


Yet to be conceived at this point 

If you find yourself reading this because of a missed or late period, you could be anywhere from 1 to 4 weeks pregnant. With so many factors affecting a period don’t panic or celebrate just yet.  

If you are certain you are pregnant, knowing when your last period was is vital. We’ll get more into this in Week 2. 


Checking that ovulation clock/calendar. Taking prenatals to prepare your body for this implantation. Jumping your husband or not at all… and have no idea that this is the month. 

Week 1 and Week 2 are exactly the same, so we’ll get into things next week. 

For your baby to have the best possible start in life, make sure you are healthy when you conceive. Time to stop the smoking, drinking, and ingesting the unhealthy things that don’t do our bodies good or that are illegal. Yep, stopping the illegal stuff is best.

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