Pregnancy Week 30
Is the size of a PLATYPUS.
Baby is putting on a half pound a week now that everything else has developed. They are breathing and swallowing amniotic fluid now, working those muscles to get ready for outside the womb.
Baby may be in a head-down position, or your doctor may be suggesting different exercises and positions to get baby in a head-down position. If they aren’t, there’s no need to worry there’s still plenty of time for baby to make the flip.
Labor pains- talk to women about how they eased the pain of early labor. Many will say it was the ability to get up and move around. Changing positions can help your baby find the best fit through the birth canal and reduce the perception of pain.
You may have some first trimester symptoms creeping back in. You may be gaining more fluid.
Now is a good time to set up the Maternity Photographer if you would like maternity photos done. Aim to take photos around 35 weeks. That gives you a window of finding someone, having that perfect round belly and before any chance of high labor.
Prepare for after baby is born. One of the biggest issues you’ll come across with baby is the number of stains that pop up from drooling, poop blow-outs and spit up from milk. Be prepared by reading Eliminate Stains & Odor: Baby & Pet Safe.
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